Bruno Meichsner 2

Bruno Meichsner was born in Berlin in 1998. In 2005 he discovered his passion for singing through the Knabenchor Berlin. The lyric baritone is studying singing at the Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler Berlin with Prof. Stephan Rügamer.

His great passions are singing lieder and singing in ensembles. In 2018, as part of his vocal studies, he performed in the opera "Il mondo della luna" by Joseph Haydn as the servant Pasquino and as
a choral soloist in "Dido and Aeneas" by Henry Purcell and "Curlew River" by Benjamin Britten. In May 2022 he sang parts of the role of Demetrius in Britten's "A Midsummernight's Dream". His most recent performance was as Papageno from "The Magic Flute" at the HfM Eisler in Berlin.

As a concert singer, he performs the bartion and bass parts of the great oratorios and requiems By Bach, Brahms, Fauré and Camille Saint-Saëns with instrumental ensembles such as the Bach- Collegium Berlin or the Neue Kammerorchster Potsdam. He has received important impulses in his musical development as a soloist through his work with Britta Schwarz, Wolfram Rieger, KS Robert Holl and Martin Bruns.

In the last season 22/23 he sang as choral soloist in the choir of the Komische Oper Berlin. Productions with directors such as Herbert Fritsch, Andreas Homoki and Barrie Kosky gave him valuable impulses and experience on the opera stage.

Through his work with first-class choirs such as the Rundfunkchor Berlin or the RIAS Kammerchor Berlin, he has already been able to work with important conductors such as Robin Ticciati, Justin Doyle or Stanley Dodds.

In the coming season 2023/24 Bruno Meichsner will sing as a permanent member of the Rundfunkchor Berlin.

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